Media Report
Voici quelques exemples de bloggeurs et sites internet qui parlent de Shooz'Up!
Shooz'Up reported by MilaBabyChou Youtube Channel (107k followers) (French Video)
Start: 7'15 to 8'40
The famous "Journal d'une maman" really likes Shooz'Up, the secret heel. Look what she said about this beauty accessory in her YouTube Video post.
From 9'50 to 11'05
The famous Italian Actress, blogger and Model Francesca Colombo made a special post on Instagram to share this secret heel with their followers
My Boring Wardrobe by Ariella Amaral, a fashion model from Sao Paulo has discovered Shooz'Up, the secret heel in June and since then she's always wearing her Shooz'Up inside her favorite shoes
Cette jeune maman au commande du blog "Les Becots de Becca"adore ses nouvelles Shooz'Up, elle a partagé sa nouvelle trouvaille avec ses followers qui ont beaucoup aimé ce nouveau talon secret qui rend plus grande et plus mince sans effort.
Read this nice parution on a French Website:
The Brits in Paris
This movie takes place during Premiere Classe à Paris Fashion Show. Many UK Brands are travelling to show their collection and we were one of them! The loop was showing on UKFT's stand in Première Classe and in the reception area at UKFT's head office at 3 Queen Square for the duration of Première Classe, and it has been posted on the Brits Around The World page of UKFT's website.
Denmark Blog - NICOLAS SIOEN
Business & Marchés
Instagram : @barrylafraise !
Thank you for this beautiful picture
Instagram : @refashiongallery
Thank you for this beautiful pictures and article on